Did you know that having a nearsighted prescription >-6.00D (severe myopia) poses a 40x increased risk for the degeneration of the central macula? Roosevelt Vision is now offering individualized annual myopia control programs to help our young nearsighted patients reduce the risk of developing severe myopia. Controlling myopia progression in childhood has been proven to reduce the risk of serious eye conditions later in life such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and myopic macular degeneration. Myopia control programs currently available at Roosevelt Vision include Ortho-K (a rigid contact lens option worn overnight and designed to reduce the need for glasses during the day,) MiSight 1 day (the only FDA approved multifocal soft contact lenses proven to slow myopia in children ages 8-12,) and low-dose atropine eye drops (for those who want to remain in glasses but still slow down myopia.) Now that school is out for the summer, it is the perfect time to get your child started on a myopia control program. Call (206) 527-2987 today to schedule a no-obligation myopia control consultation.