What are Specialty Contact Lenses?

What are Specialty Contact Lenses?

What are Specialty Contact Lenses?

What are Specialty Contact Lenses?

What are Specialty Contact Lenses?

What are Specialty Contact Lenses?

Specialty contact lenses are a type of corrective eyewear that are designed to address specific eye conditions or needs. Unlike regular contact lenses, which are primarily used to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, specialty contact lenses are customized to provide vision correction for individuals with more complex eye conditions. These lenses offer a range of benefits beyond simple refractive error correction, making them an excellent option for those seeking tailored solutions for their vision needs.


What Are Specialty Contact Lenses?

Specialty contact lenses are designed to fit the unique shape of an individual's eye. They are made using advanced technology and special materials that allow for precise vision correction and comfort. Unlike regular contact lenses, which are mass-produced and available in standard sizes and shapes, specialty lenses are customized for each individual.

The key difference between specialty contact lenses and regular contact lenses lies in their design and purpose. Regular contact lenses are primarily intended to correct common refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. On the other hand, specialty lenses are specifically designed to address more complex eye conditions, such as keratoconus, irregular corneas, post-surgical corneas, and corneal scars. These lenses provide a more precise and tailored solution for individuals with these conditions.


When Should You Consider Specialty Contact Lenses?

Specialty contact lenses should be considered when you have been diagnosed with an eye condition that cannot be adequately corrected with regular contact lenses or glasses. If you have been experiencing vision difficulties that cannot be fully addressed by traditional means, it may be worthwhile to consult with your optometrist to determine if specialty contact lenses are a suitable option for you.

Some common conditions that may benefit from specialty contact lenses include keratoconus, a progressive thinning and bulging of the cornea; irregular corneas caused by corneal scars or surgeries; and severe dry eye syndrome. These conditions often result in distorted vision, discomfort, and difficulty wearing regular contact lenses. Specialty lenses can help improve visual acuity, enhance comfort, and provide a better fit for individuals with these conditions.


Types of Specialty Contact Lenses

There are several types of specialty contact lenses available, each designed to address specific eye conditions and needs. Some common types of specialty lenses include:

  • Rigid gas permeable lenses: These lenses are made from a rigid material that allows for oxygen permeability. They are often used for individuals with irregular corneas, providing a more stable and precise vision correction.
  • Hybrid lenses: These lenses combine the features of rigid gas permeable lenses with a soft lens skirt for improved comfort and visual acuity.
  • Multifocal contact lenses: Multifocal contact lenses provide clear vision at multiple distances, making them an excellent option for individuals with presbyopia, a common age-related condition that affects near vision.


Getting Fitted for Specialty Contact Lenses at Roosevelt Vision

If you are considering specialty contact lenses, it is essential to consult with an experienced optometrist who specializes in fitting these lenses. At Roosevelt Vision, our team of skilled optometrists are trained in fitting specialty lenses and have extensive experience in addressing complex eye conditions.

During a specialty contact lens fitting, your optometrist will perform a comprehensive eye examination to assess your eye health and determine the most suitable lens type for your needs. They will take detailed measurements of your eye shape and size to ensure a precise fit. Your optometrist will also provide guidance on lens care and maintenance to optimize the lifespan and performance of your specialty lenses.

Take the first step towards achieving optimal vision and comfort with specialty contact lenses today, visit Roosevelt Vision at our office in Seattle, Washington. Please call (206) 527-2987 to schedule an appointment.

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