Helen Kim, OD

Helen Kim, OD

Helen Kim, OD

Helen Kim, OD

Helen Kim, OD

Helen Kim, OD

Helen Kim, OD

Dr. Helen Kim, OD (She/Her)

Dr. Helen Kim joined Roosevelt Vision in 2019. Her main interests are in myopia management, specialty contacts and medical care for all ages. Dr. Kim has two young children who she started on myopia management early so they can be more independent from glasses and contacts. She has a personal interest in specialty contacts since she has been wearing them from a young age.

Dr. Kim originally grew up in the mid-west in Chicago, Illinois but has lived and worked on the Westcoast for most of her life. She attended the University of Washington where she graduated with a Major in Cell and Molecular Biology and a Minor in Medical History and Ethics. She received her Doctorate in Optometry with Honors from the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry. At Berkeley Optometry, Dr. Kim served as her class president and Trustee of the American Optometric Student Association. After graduating, she worked at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Tacoma, Washington where she served veterans in our armed forces and managed diverse complex medical cases. She has also worked in private practices in Seattle and Portland, Oregon prior to joining Roosevelt Vision in 2019.

Dr. Kim has been an active member of the American Optometric Association (AOA) and Optometric Physicians of Washington (OPW). She has interest in volunteering to provide humanitarian eye care internationally as she did in Mexico and Honduras through Volunteers of Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH International). She hopes to provide more medical and vision eye care in the future and bring her own children along to help serve communities around the world. Dr. Kim and her family are glad to be living and establishing roots in Seattle where they hope to live for many years. They enjoy traveling domestically and abroad to learn about different food and culture and striving to be kind and empathetic members of society.

"Helping people young and old with various health conditions is a privilege in primary care at our practice. I always strive to learn and provide the best care to every individual with holistic care in mind."

Schedule Appointment with Dr. Kim

“There has never been such attention and care given to me and my vision. Dr. Kim and her team’s exam was detailed, explained and filled with kindness. I have already recommended Roosevelt Vision to three people and it has been less than 24 hours, they’re that good!”​​​​​​​

— Google review from Troy
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